Meet the winner of the COTEC-BPI PME Innovation Award

JPM – Automação e Equipamentos Industriais, SA is a Vale de Cambra company. Based on its know-how based on industrial conveyors, automation and palletizing, JPM is today a world reference in the intralogistics market, a “factory of factories”.

In order to grant the COTEC-BPI SME Innovation Award, the Jury took into account the technological evolution and the high growth rate of the company from the reinforcement of its competences – e.g. in terms of automation and manufacturing technologies – as well as the specialization in intralogistic projects with application in different industrial sectors. JPM used Innovation Scoring in order to structure its innovation processes and build new areas of growth, having achieved the most significant score in the areas of organization and impact (e.g. new products launched to the market, exports).

Innovation Scoring is a tool that enables you to assess and compare the innovation performance of companies.

JPM is a global company present in 40 markets, with more than 2,000 plant installations built.
