Company typology: Grande Empresa (Volume de Negócios > 250M€)
Business sector: Alimentar
Region: Lisboa

By public deed executed on the 23rd December of 2008, Compal – Companhia Produtora de Conservas Alimentares, SA was merged into Sumolis – Gestão de Marcas, SA, with retroactive effect to 1st January of the same year, having being assured the continuity principle of the operations of the former in the latter.

The mentioned operation resulted in the change of the corporate name of the acquiring company to Sumol + Compal Marcas, S.A., with its registered office in Carnaxide. The Company was incorporated on the 20th of July of 2000 and started its activity on the 1st of August of 2000, and its current corporate purpose is the industry of beer, malt, soft drinks, juice drinks, fruits and vegetables derivatives and canning industry and other food products as well as concentrates, beverage brand management and related activities.