Created in 2005, the COTEC PME Innovation Network has the mission of contributing to the collaboration between innovative companies operating in different sectors of activity, through a set of different instruments provided by COTEC. The diagnosis of innovation processes, benchmarking and dissemination of good practices, professional networking events, knowledge management platforms, as well as the strengthening of links with entities in the scientific and technological system or with public support institutions which support to innovation are highlighted.
Innovative SMEs with more than three years of activity, at least 10 employees and a turnover of more than € 200,000 can apply for the COTEC PME Innovation Network. The submission of applications takes place through the Innovation Scoring® exercise, online at
In the application process, the company’s innovation performance will be assessed through 5 main dimensions: strategy, organization, RDI processes, enhancers and impact. The integration and maintenance of companies in the COTEC PME Innovation Network presupposes membership as an Associate of COTEC Portugal.
Monitoring Committee
The Monitoring Committee is made up of a President and an even number of additional members, all appointed by the Board of COTEC Portugal in order to guarantee the rigor and suitability in the constitution and operation of the Network. The Monitoring Committee is responsible for ensuring the transparency of all procedures related to the constitution and operation of the Network and deciding on the inclusion or exclusion of any company in the Network.

Gonçalo Salazar Leite

Alcino Lavrador

Ana Moutela

António Vidigal

João Picoito

Joaquim Sérvulo Rodrigues

Mário Pinto

Pedro Brito

Rui Diniz

Sílvia Almeida

Vítor Bento
Consult the companies which belong to the COTEC SME Innovation Network.
For any clarification on this initiative, please contact:
Irina Filipe : | 21 318 33 53
Armindo Carvalho: | 22 619 29 14